Monday, September 30, 2013

The CRS from Ricky

Ricky is a very good friend of mine, he blown my view on CRS keeping/breeding the first time I went to see his shrimps.

I got 15 of his shrimps in a section of a divided 20G tank in November last year. In the first three months I didn't use a heater so the temperature was at around 17C (low 60F) and breeding was none existence. Then I turned on the heater to 22 degree (70F), and the breeding started.

I was moving this tank to the shrimp room last weekend and my wife helped me relocating all 380 of them. She got a sore back afterward but she really enjoyed see all the little lives in the tank.

Mid Grade CRS

Really happy to see the quality of these CRS I recently obtained. For the price I paid for them, I think it's a steal.

Wine Red are hard to feed?

I've thought so myself too, and they are harder to be food trained than other shrimps in my experience. However, with the right condition and good choice of food, it is not impossible.

These shrimps were moved to this tank two weeks ago, they didn't pay any attention to introduced food in the first week, but slowly they get to know what it is and how good it tastes.... then this happen.

The food in the video is the MK-Breed Red Diamond, see this blog for more details.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013