
Caught this baby playing on moss.....  so cute.

And his brother (or sister).

The the photo op ended because the shark has come....

Monday, January 27, 2014

Tangerine Tiger from Germany

I find that a lot of Tangerine Tigers on the market less attractive because the "tangerine" colour isn't "orange" enough ;-) So when there was the opportunity I jumped on it to get some in a group buy.

And a month has passed since I got them, they seem to be happy in my tank.

TT (Tangerine Tiger) is probably the easiest tiger shrimps to keep and breed, may be with the exception of regular/super tigers. But I'm known for pathetic in breeding tigers, so I will see if they will make me look better ;-)

I keep them in regular CRS parameters, maybe 1 or 2 degree C lower in tank temperature. Perfect for the bottom level on my shrimp racks.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sulawesi Cardinal Shrimp (Caridina sp. "Cardinal")

These are beautiful shrimps and relatively easy for Sulawesi shrimps.

Recommended Parameter: 27C-30C, PH 7.5+, GH 5+, TDS 200+.

They are very shy but will eventually come out more as they get used to the environment. I suggest to have 10 or more in the tank, best to have 20+ because they would feel safer, be less shy, and will come out more. It's normal for them to hide for weeks when introduced to a new tank.

One thing about feeding is that they can be trained to eat introduced food, but most of the time they won't take anything you feed them in the beginning. Take it slow and definitely don't over feed them. If you don't see them eat the introduced food, then try it once a week until you can observe them eat what you give them. Even then, feed very little. In a tank of 50, I wouldn't feed more than 3 rice grain size of any food and less than 3 times a week. That's why I keep them with rabbit snails and just feed the snails instead.

Water Change:
I have heard many bad things about water change to these shrimps. I would suggest small amount like 10% every 3-4 weeks.

Golden Rabbit Snail (Tylomelania gemmifera)

Golden Rabbit Snail (Tylomelania gemmifera) 

- Grow to around 3".
- Big eater, can eat a lot of food.
- When they are happy in the tank, expect one baby each month. Baby snails are born as snails, they don't lay eggs.
- Recommended Parameters 25C-30C, PH 7.5+, GH 5+, TDS 200+
- Perfect as tank mates with Sulawesi shrimps. I see often these shrimps would pick snail poop.