Thursday, May 24, 2012

There's no end

So, my previous issue with the 7.5G seems to have disappeared after changing a few things. I've been busy at work/family/fishing and it's been really hard to find time to do what I need to do. The tanks in the basement are cycling, NO2 has shown for more than a week but no sign of easing off. Netlea tank still leaching NH3 after, hmm... almost 3 months. Then my main CRS/OEBT tank is giving me trouble.

The shrimp in the 20GL tank has been acting funny. Monday when I fed them, although they still came for spinach but after 10 minutes most just wondered off. And from then on, they started to be very inactive. No dead shrimps are found yet but I really can't tell if the bodies were just eaten (probably not by the way they respond to food). However, all baby CRS are goners now. It does make the tank move planned in about a week to 2 weeks easier I guess.

Also, I saw ONE hydra and ONE very small planaria-like creature. So I dosed panacur Tuesday night... then last night.... they became really inactive, and I tested NH3 0 (or very close to 0, I always have trouble comparing the yellows of different shade), NO2 0, and then... NO3 somewhere between 70 to 80. OMG.... what's going on. Did 10% WC and got more ROs to do a 30% WC today. So much for the panacur dosing but that can wait. Not sure now if planarias got to the baby CRS or the NO3. I'll deal with NO3 first.

I'll do a few daily 10%-30% WC until NO3 comes down to 20% then add the DIY NO3 reactor with Seachem deNitrate. Sigh... this is not as easy as I thought it would be after a few months.

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